Joe Guy wins Kentucky Senior Living

Association 2022 Leadership Award

Earlier this year, Joe Guy, the Executive Director for Magnolia Springs Senior Living in Florence, KY was nominated for and won the 2022 Leadership Award.  The nomination came from Director of Community Relations, Susie Coalter.  In Susie’s nomination letter she writes:

It is my honor to nominate Joe Guy for the Kentucky Senior Living Association Leadership Award. Joe began his career in 2019 at Magnolia Springs Florence as Director of Plant Operations. With thirty-two years of service and leadership in energy and manufacturing industry it seemed like the perfect fit. Joe is a wealth of information and knowledge about the building and all it takes to keep it operating. However, it didn’t take long to recognize that Joe’s true passion and calling is one of service to our residents and staff. When I first started at Magnolia Springs Florence, I was surprised to learn that Joe’s first stop each morning was our Memory Way neighborhood to check in personally with every resident, something he continues to do to this day.  I soon realized that Joe’s sincere interest and genuine heart for our seniors is like nothing I have seen in my career in senior living. He knows all their stories, where they are from, their careers, every detail they are willing to share he absorbs and holds dear. In November 2021 Joe became our Executive Director.


Joe has the responsibility of overseeing the care of our one hundred residents, a staff of fifty, all while managing the financial, safety, and resident relations aspects of operating a Senior Living community, as well as meeting organizational goals. He is exceeding those expectations! He makes it all look effortless, with his positive and never-ending energy.


Joe is always available to support a staff member, troubleshoot a problem, and talk with the residents. Joe is always available to share his knowledge, experience, and ideas in a way that inspire me to want to be a better team member and leader. He sets the example, and shows me the way, through service to others.   Joe is an inspiring mentor, he is calm under pressure, patient, and thoughtful when mistakes are made. His mindset is one of tenacity, ambition, and excellence.  His enthusiasm for all our community offers is contagious and very effective. Under Joe’s leadership our current census is the highest it has ever been. He is always ready to overcome any obstacle or challenge.  He inspires me to dream bigger, and gently pushes me beyond my comfort zone. It pays off every time. Joe will serve seniors with a passion. Joe will meet organizational goals. Joe will grow future senior living leaders.


Personally, I have had the privilege of working with amazing leaders in my senior living career. Each has grown a crucial ability in me. Joe is a culmination of every one of those leaders, and is everything a leader should be. What sets Joe apart is his servant’s heart towards seniors, our community, and human kind.


Congratulations, Joe Guy.  We are honored you are part of the Magnolia Springs family and exemplify leadership and compassion every day.